502 Bản Phối Khí Cho Band và Orchestra – MS David Giang Đông (Thực hiện từ năm 1995 đến nay)
10,000 Reasons To Bless The Lord (Matt Redman)
Above all – Vuot tren moi dieu (G)
Above all – Vuot tren moi dieu (simple Arr)
Angels We Have Heard on High – Band 2021
Bai ca moi (Hai hoa dan ca Bac bo )
Blessed be the name of the Lord_Matt Redman
Blessed be the name_ins_Matt Redman
Boi lan don Ngai_By His wounds
Breath of Heaven (Orchestra)- Huong thom thien cung
By His wounds-Boi lan don Ngai ( David Dong)
By His wounds-Lan roi Chua (don gian)
Ca khuc muon doi (David Dong) G
Ca khuc ta on ton vinh – Vu Duc Nghiem
Cam ta Chua – ban dep (David Dong 1999)
Can’t stop fall in love (Elvis Preley version) G
Can’t stop talking-The gioi biet on Cha (David Dong sheet)
Cat tieng ca xuong_daviddong score
Celebrate Jesus – Hoan ca chuc ton Chua (Orchestra)
Cha da chuoc toi – st Trung Nghia (band sheet) G
Cha van cho con (Phuong Phuong) band
Cham long con Chua oi (David Dong sheet)
Cham long con Chua oi (don gian)
Change my heart o God – Cau xin Cha doi long
Chao Chua Thanh Linh (written by Tan Sy
Chiec cau qua dong bao to – band
Chien lac tro ve (band) C – Male key
Chien lac tro ve we all like sheep (G – Female)
Chim se mat Chua – Orchestra (arr Simon)
Christ is enough – Christ tron lanh _Hillsong 2013
Chua Hang Chan Giu Toi (band) 2023
Chua – Tu ngan xua Chua Troi ( Vu Khanh)
Chua (tu ngan xua Chua Troi) David Dong
Chua biet ro (composed by MS Le Ngoc Vinh )
Chua chet Chua song vi toi (band)
Chua den (Band sheet) F – – St Tuong Minh
Chua Jesus lam pham – O sole mio (D)
Chua Jesus lam pham (D) O sole mio
Chua Jesus lam pham (violon part)
Chua Qua Yeu Toi – You need me – Eb (Bich Van arr)
Chua Qua Yeu Toi Eb (Bich Van arr)
Chua quyen nang_God is good (band)
Chua that tuyet voi – You are good
Chung Nhan Tinh Yeu – C (band) encore version
Chung Nhan Tinh Yeu – D (band) 2021 Enc V
Chung nhan tinh yeu (D) band (Male)
Chuyen nguoi dan ba 2000 nam truoc – band
Con neu dan goi bang Danh Ta (David Dong sheet)
Con no Ngai (Nguyen Duc Thinh) band
Cornerstone_Hon da goc nha_Hillsong_daviddong
Cuu roi muon dan – Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Dang loi suy ton & Toi se ngoi ca (medley 1)
De nhat trong muon nguoi_Orchestra (daviddong sheets)
Dem huyen dieu – band sheet 2019
Dieu con thau hieu – Le Anh Dong
Do anh do em (Khanh Tuong – Moses Cao) band
Don xuan voi Jesus (band – key C) David Dong
Dong dinh Chua them mot lan (truongleson)
Dong Huyet Tha Toi (Fm) band for female
Dong mau tinh yeu – Hoang Dien (score)
Duc Chua Troi sai toi den day (MS Hue Kieu)
Every Praise – Hezekiah Walker band
For all You’ve done_score sheet mini orchestra..
For all You’ve done-Vi moi dieu Ngai da lam (David Dong sheet)
For Your name is Holy_duke’s scan
For Your name is Holy_Paul Wilbur_ins
Forever – Ngoi khen chuc ton (David Dong sheet)
Forever Reign_Hillsong_daviddong
Friend of God – Ban huu cua Chua (David Dong sheet)
From God above_Hillsong_Davidding
Giac mo nhiem mau (Band) G .jpg
Giac mo nhiem mau (Tuan Hung) band
Giot nuoc mat cho nhung linh hon (Arr Simon Tourong)
Giot nuoc mat cho nhung linh hon (David Dong sheet)
Glory to the Lord_Lynn Deshazo
God is good – Chua quyen nang (David Dong sheet)
God is good – Chua quyen nang (don gian)
God is so good -Ngai that tot thay
God is the strength of my heart (Ngai la suc moi con)
God of this city God of this city_Full score
God of this city_score sheet by David Dong
Grown up Christmas list (BAND)
Hallelujah Cuu Chua Da Den – band 2021 (Leonard Cohen)
Hark the herald angels sing – Kia thien binh (Orchestra)
Hay den voi Gie-xu (Hong An Truong)
He is able -chua co the (don gian)
He is able -Toan nang thay Chua
Here I am to worship – Chua oi con tho phuong Ngai (David Dong sheet)
Here I am to worship_Tim Hughes
His eye is on the sparrow – band
Hoi tam linh hay hat (dan ca Ly cay bong)
How great is our God_chris tomlin
How great Thou art – band (Carrie Underwood Vince Gill)
How great Thou art – Lon bay duy Ngai (Orchestra)
How great Thou art (Gaither’s band ) 2016
How great Thou art 2006 ( ban ro) .jpg
Huyen dieu dem thanh (band sheet) F
I Corinhto 13 – Tinh yeu thuong (Tran Quoc Bao)
I could sing of Your love_Martin Smith_inst
I will celebrate – Toi se ngoi ca
I will not be afraid- Toi se khong so (David Dong sheet)
I will sing to the mercy of the Lord
In Jesus’ name – Darlen Zschech score
In Jesus name (Guita only) Darlene Szchech
In moment like this -Vao nhung giay phut nay
It came upon the midnight clear – Thoat den (Orchestra)
It came upon the midnight clear – Thoat den
Jehovah Nissi ( daviddong band) – ban ro
Jesus at the center_Israel Houghton
Jesus loves me – Jesus yeu toi (David Dong sheet)
Jesus Rock (Band – David Dong)
Jesus we enthone You – Jesus con suy ton Ngai
Joy to the world – Band 2021 (C)
Joy to the world – Phuoc cho nhan loai (Orchestra)
Just as I am (new intro) Am – sheet
Khac ghi on Ngai – Tuong Khanh
Khi Chua vao doi_BoneyM_DavidDong score sheets
King of Majesty_Marty Sampson_inst
Let God arise & shouts of joy (Liên khúc)
Lien ket yeu thuong (David Dong) band
Like a Shepherd -Ngai la Dang chan dat
Loi Chua (Cm) variation – Band
Loi chuc cho nguoi yeu nhau (G) band
Loi nguyen cau cho dan VN – Thu Van – Band
Loi ta on – band (Nguyen Duy Trung)
Loi ta on con dang len Chua – VDNghiem
Long Nguyen Theo Jesus – I have decided
Lord I lift Your name on high (don gian)
Lord I lift Your name on high (mini orchestra) score sheet
Lord I lift Your name on high_violon
Love story – Tinh troi voi dat (band ) Em
Ly cay bong – Hoi tam linh hay hat
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ (F)
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ (G) band
Mighty to save_hillsong_daviddong
Mot troi thuong – Thai Trinh – Band
Mua giang sinh thanh binh – Here comes santa claus
My life is in You Lord – Suc song tu noi Chua
My Redeemer Lives _Daviddong score
My Tribute – Arr by David Dong (David Thien An)
My Tribute – Loi con ca ngoi – Simon Touprong
Nao di len Need Your Hand ( Sean Buhr)
Neu ban danh mat Chua Jesus – band
Ngai Da Den Ben Toi (Band 2021)
Ngai la Jesus quyen binh trong tay Ngai
Ngan tieng chuong long- Jingle bell rock
Ngay tinh nhan nong tham (Cm) sheet band
Nghia tinh me cha (Band – Gm) David Dong
Ngoi khen ton danh Chua (Hat Vi- dan ca Vinh Phuc)
Nguoi nu cua Chua (BMS Nguyen Duc Tanh) Band
Nguon cay trong muon doi – hoa am 2003 (Am)
Nguon Nuoc Song (band) Le Anh Dong
Nguon sang trong tim [C and Db] band
Nguon trong cay muon doi – band (Bm)
Nguon trong cay muon doi (hoa am 2010) Fm band
Nhac chuong giang sinh – Jingle bells
Nho ve que huong (MS Hue Kieu)
Nhu nuoc tran khap bien (Korea)
O mai cung con – Truong Le Son – band
O come all ye faithful (Orchestra)
O come let us adore Him – E band 2021
O Little town of Bethhem – Betlehem nho be (Orchestra)
O little town of Bethlehem – Band 2021
Oceans – Dong doi (Hillsong) score
Oceans will part_ben fielding Hillsong
Only by Grace – Boi an dien Chua
Open the eye and my heart – Khat khao duoc thay Ngai (David Dong sheet)
Open the eyes of my heart_Paul Baloche
Our God_Chua chung ta_Chris Tomlin
Ouvertura-Khuc nhac mo dau (David Dong sheet)
Phuoc cho nhan loai – Joy to the world
Power of love -Nang quyen tinh yeu
Quay got chan ve (David Dong) band
Roi ngay se troi qua (Vinh Phuc)
Shout to the Lord_Darlene Zschech
Silent Night – Dem yen lang – Band 2021
Song hy sinh va Phuc vu (Band – tong nu) Cm
Song hy sinh va Phuc vu (Band) Am
Song hy sinh va Phuc vu (Band) Gm
Stand up and give Him praise ( Kia ai nhu Jesus)
Tam hon yen ninh – simple version
Tam linh toi yen ninh thay – BV score
Tam linh toi yen ninh thay – It Is Well (Bich Van arr)
Thanh Chua sieu viet – How great Thou art (don gian)
Thanh Chua Sieu Viet_tong pho 2006
Thanh vuong (Ru con dan ca Nam bo)
Thank You Jesus – Hillsong band 2014
Thats why we praise Him (Tommy Walker) score
The first Noel – Noen dau tien (Orchestra)
The heart of worship_Matt Redman (ban nhac)
The river is here_score sheet by David Dong
There is none like You-Co ai ngoai Jesus
Thi thien 23 Dang chan giu toi
Thi thien 150- Trong com quan ho Bac Ninh
Thien tinh cho con – Band (Nguyen Duc Thinh)
Thong diep dem Noel (band sheet) C back up
Tim ve chan thien my (composed by Nguyen Kha)
Tinh Cha menh mong ( Full Score)
Tinh Cha menh mong (Band – C) ms daviddong 2009
Tinh Chua bat diet (David Dong arr 2001)
Tinh Chua bat diet (David Dong arr 2013 )
Tinh Chua bat diet (new scan) sheet Gm
Tinh Chua bat diet_David Dong ARR 2013 (standard)
Tinh Chua van con nguyen – band
Tinh Chua van con Nguyen (composed by Dang Ngoc Quoc)
Tinh Chua yeu tran gian (David Dong)
Tinh Ngai (Chau Hoang Phuc – A) tong nu
Tinh Ngai (Chau Phuc Chau – Band) C
Tinh Ngai (MS.Nguyen Duy Trung) – (David Dong sheet)
Tinh Phu Than Bao La (Band – Fm) ms daviddong
Tinh thuong yeu cua Duc Chua Troi
Tinh yeu bat tu (Phuong Phuong) band
Tinh Yeu Noi Thien Chua Danh Cho Toi (Am)
Tinh yeu Thien Chua danh cho toi – Bm (arr Duc Vu)
Tinh yeu Thien Chua danh cho toi – Cm ( arr Le Tu)
Tinh yeu Thien Chua danh cho toi – Dm (band – Arr Le Tu)
Tinh yeu ven toan (Nhat Trung) band
Tinh yeu ven toan (Nhat Trung) score
To God be the glory – My tribute ( Band – Thu Van)
Toi se thua chuyen Ngai Ton tho cha
Touch the sky – 2015 Hillsong band
Trading my sorrows_Darrell evans
Tron ca tam long (David Dong sheet)
Truoc khi rang dong (D) Band 2021
Tu coi long sau tham ( don gian)
Tu coi long sau tham (David Dong sheet)
Uoc mo mua Giang sinh (E) band sheet
Va con tim da vui tro lai (G) – band V.Khanh
Valentine yeu thuong_sang tac David Dong
Vang theo Chua (band) Vang theo Chua (Vinh Phuc)
Ve Day Hoi Chien Xa Bay (Fm) band 2021
Vi Jesus song – because He lives (Full Score)
Vi Jesus song_Because He lives_Archi
Vi Jesus song_Because He lives_Ottoni
Vi Jesus song_Because He lives_tong pho
Via Dolorosa – VKhanh – score band
Vong tay yeu thuong (David Dong)
Vua muon vua – Nguyen Trung Thanh (Band)
Vua muon vua (Messiah Chorus – Variation 1)
Vung buoc di tren kho dau – band
Vung buoc di tren kho dau (Vu Duc Nghiem) Hoa am David Dong
We are the reason 1 (standard)
We come to bless Your name – Co Chua nhu xuan bat tan
We come to bless Your name – Cung den tho ton (don gian)
we want to see Jesus lifted high (score sheet – mini orchestra)
We wish you a merry Christmas – don gian
We wish you a merry Christmas – Full score
When I look into Your Holiness
whom shall I fear (full score)
with all i am_Reuben Morgan_inst
With Everything – Hillsong (band).jpg
Worthy is the Lamb – Hillsong (band)
worthy is the Lamb wOw (David Dong sheet)
Xin cho con dan toc con (TKG) D sheet band
Xin Chua cuu gia dinh con (Isaac Thai)
Xin Chua phan hung truoc khi tai lam_David Dong_Full Score
Xin Chua phan hung_David Dong _simple
Xin loi Chua – band (Le Duc Hung)
Xin phan hung Viet Nam – PDF score
Xuan ve ta on Chua – Quoc Thai
Yeu Kinh Me Cha (band – Dm) David Dong
Yeu thuong va tha thu (Band sheet) Am BACK
You are good- Chua that tuyet voi (David Dong sheet)
You are my all in all – Ngai la muon nhu cau con
You won’t relent_ Ai tinh cua Chua_Misty Edwards
Your love for me_score sheet by David Dong
Your love for me-Chua van yeu con (David Dong sheet)
Your name high_Ton cao danh Chua_Hillsong
Your presence is heaven to me – band